Naš klub je v okviru Erasmus+ projekta »Cheer4More« organiziral seminar za cheer klube, ki so partnerji v projektu. Cilj seminarja je bil izboljšati cheer trenerje in izmenjati izkušnje, da bi bili v prihodnje boljši in uspešnejši. C4M je projekt, ki ga sofinancira Evropska unija pod vodstvom Cheerleading kluba ZAGI Zagreb.
As a part of the Erasmus+ project Cheer4More, our club organised a seminar for cheer clubs partnering in the project. The goal of the seminar was to improve cheer coaches and share experiences to be better and more successful in the future. C4M is a project co-funded by the European Union under the leadership of the Zagi-Zagreb Cheerleading Club.