[SI] S ponosom vas obveščamo, da Žabice sodelujemo v ERASMUS PLUS projektu, imenovanem “Cheer4More”. CIlj projekta je popularizirati cheer šport in izboljšati kompetence naših trenerjev skozi deljenje izkušenj in dobrih praks. S finančno podporo EU naše društvo kot partner aktivno sodeluje v projektu, ki ga vodi Cheerleading Klub ZAGI Zagreb.
[EN] It is our pleasure to inform you that we are participating in the ERASMUS PLUS project, “Cheer4More”. The project’s aim is to popularize the sport of cheer and enhance the skills of our coaches through shared experiences. Founded by the European Union, our club is actively participating as a partner in the project led by Cheerleading Klub ZAGI Zagreb.